Nevin Gamea, Minister of Trade and Industry issued a decision to impose anti-dumping duties on Egyptian imports of UPVC sectors of origin or export from Turkey, provided that this decision shall be enforced for a period of 5 years from the date of its publication in the Egyptian Gazette.
Ibrahim Al-Sageny, Assistant Minister for Economic Affairs and Head of the Commercial Processing Sector at the Ministry said that the decision came based on the recommendation of the competent advisory committee and the recommendations reached by the sector after studying the complaint of the local industry and after the approval of the minister last December to start investigation procedures against dumped imports from UPVC are from Turkey.
He pointed out that after studying and analyzing data, the sector concluded that the imports of the product under investigation are received at dumped prices and with a dumping margin ranging between 8%-10% of the Cost, insurance, and freight (CIF) value, which confirms the relationship between the dumped imports and the damage caused to the local industry.