Sada El Balad English News website (SEE) and Sada El Balad Universities have held an interview with Dr. Kim Young-soo. Here is the full interview:-
First of all, we would like to welcome Dr. Kim Young-soo and thank you for the most wonderful lecture, which contains a lot of important information that many people do not know. The lecture was entitled "The reality of North Korea as it appears in its system and the lives of its residents". A lecture, at the Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University, tackled the system of daily life inside North Korea and the suffering of the citizens and the restrictions controlling them.
Can you provide an overview of the current political atmosphere in North Korea and how it affects the lives of its citizens?
Regarding North Korea’s policy, there are two dimensions: We do not have a diversity of presidents. For example, over the course of 80 years, we have been ruled by 3 presidents. As for the citizens, they see that the president has full powers and there is no suffering from this, but in recent times seek are fears that tsome citizens want to open up to the outside world, and therefore there are some fears of losing control over the citizen. Our role as an institute for North Korean studies is to know where the thought of the North Korean citizen goes
How does the North Korean government shape the daily reality of its people? Can you share specific policies that directly impact their lives?
For North Korean citizens, they are only allowed to live and are not allowed to participate in politics, such as elections, proposals, or expressing opinions. Their votes may represent only 10%.
How do you assess the human rights situation in North Korea, and what are some of the most pressing human rights issues facing the population today?
The United Nations is responsible for human rights issues, but we in North Korea do not have access to it like Europe, so we cannot follow up what the United Nations imposes on us.
How does the lack of access to external sources of information affect the population’s view of the world, and are there signs of change in this area?
The population of North Korea does not have the luxury of access to the outside world, and there is almost a state of dissatisfaction among the citizens.
Q: How has technology changed daily lives of North Koreans in recent years?
-Information technology is expanding significantly in North Korea. For example, we have 25 million citizens and 7 million mobile devices. This is a very large number for us, and as a result, the speed of accessing and spreading news and rumors has become much easier. All of this goes against the wishes of the North Korean government.
Q: What are your thoughts on the future of the North Korean regime and its potential impact on the lives of ordinary North Koreans?
-I believe that in the next five years, there will be significant changes in the way the country is governed, and we will see a change in the regime over the next five years.
We have only three television channels: one government-run channel, one for cartoons, and another for movies. Broadcasting is limited to holidays, not every day.
Q: How do you think the international community can better understand and address the challenges faced by North Koreans?
-The international community does not have full knowledge of North Korea and what goes on inside. Some countries still do not know that there are two Koreas; they believe that it is one people and one country. The international community also lacks interest in North Korea's internal issues.
Q: Is there a message or vision you would like to leave for our audience regarding the reality of life in North Korea?
-We want to present the true image of North Korea through lectures and intensify these efforts. We also need to have greater knowledge about the country and what happens there so that the Egyptian audience can understand everything that goes on in North Korea through such lectures.