American animated series "The Simpsons" is famous for its uncanny knack for predicting the future, from Donald Trump's presidency and Kamala Harris's vice presidency to the coronavirus.
Fans have noticed that "Radio Bart", the thirteenth episode of the third season of "The Simpsons", released 20 years ago, featured a scene of Bart, Simpson’s son, falling into a well.
It also showed his parents and neighbors, and townspeople rushing to save him. The episode finished with a happy ending with the rescue of Bart and his reunion with his parents.
The episode was eerily similar to the tragic accident of the Moroccan child “Rayan”, who had fallen into a deep well but his story ended differently.
The Moroccan child had been stuck in the well for about 5 days and passed away on Saturday, despite relentless attempts to save him.
The authorities managed to bring Rayan out of the well and rushed him to the hospital, yet, hours later, he was confirmed dead.