Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics issues "Annual statistical Bulletin for Deposits and bank Credit", It includes deposits and credit evolution during 2022/2023. compared to 2021/2022, Most important indicators are as follows:
First Depositsbank: Total deposits balances increased in 2022/2023 to reached 9450.8 billion pounds , an increaseby 28.5%, compared to 2021/2022, both House hold and public services sector,has greatest impact on high deposits , main indicators are as follows:
Depositing balances in House hold sector reached 5512.4 Billion Pounds in 2022/2023, an increase by17.0 %,of previous year.this increase is due to individuals contributionin banks, by 96.5%, of total deposits balances in household sector,that sectoacquired by 58.3.0% of total bank deposits.
Depositing balances in Private business sector reached 1443.5 Billion Pounds in 2022/2023, an increasing by 51.5%,of the previous year. where organized Private business sector acquired by %76.3 oftotal deposits balances in Private business sector, while sector deposits reached 15.3 % of total bank deposits.
Depositing balances in public services sector reached 1525.1Billion Pounds in 2022/2023, an increasing by43.5%, of previous year where Treasury sector and government administration acquired by 98.3%, of total deposits balances in public services sector, while sector deposits reached 16.1 % of total bank deposits.
Second Creditbanking: Credit balances reached 4802.0 Billion Poundsin 2022/2023, an increase by 34.5 % compared to 2021/2022. As Credit granted to both public and private business sectors has greatest impact on this increase. Therefore: Total credit balancesin private business sectors reached 1715.6 Billion Pounds in 2022/2023, an increase by 26.9%. of the previous year. This increase is due tocredit granted to organized private business sector which reached 1340.1 Billion Poundsrepresents 78.1% of total credit granted to private business sector, wherebusiness sectors reached 35.7 % of total Credit balances.
Credit balances in public business sectors reached 1502.0 Billion Pounds in 2022/2023, an increase by 53.9%.of previous year. This increase is due to credit granted to Economic organizations, which reached 1338.0 billion Pounds; it represents 89.1% of total credit granted to public business sector. Where, business sector reached 31.3 % of total Credit balances.
Surplus banking liquidity reached 4648.8 billion Pound in 2022/2023; an increase by 22.9%, of the previous year. such increase is due to flow of granted deposits credit. This banking liquidity ratio reached 49.2% of totalbank deposits.