Sinai is considered to be one of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt throughout the ages. The city represents an important era in the history of Egypt, especially the Pharaonic era, as it contains the first military route crossed by forces to defend and repel attacks against the state.
The Suez Canal Company began the digging process in the 19th century in this area under Israeli occupation; the digging process was implemented through illegal means in Sinai.
Monuments Professor Hussein Bassir stated that after Sinai was won back by Egypt through the great October victory, efforts by Egyptian archaeologists multiplied in order to discover the monuments of Sinai. The search efforts were headed by Professor Mohamed Abdel-Maksoud and his team, in addition to group of archaeologist east and west of the Suez Canal.
Among the important archaeological discoveries reached is the discovery of the ancient "Horus War Road" extending from Egypt to Palestine since the days of the Pharaohs.
In addition to the Habwa 1, Habwa 2 and Habwa 3, east of the Suez Canal to the northeast of Qantara Sharq, or better known as "Tharo" area is considered to be former location of the Pharaonic Ministry of Defense, which was painted by the ancient Egyptian artist on the inscription of King Setti the first on the northern wall of the Grand Column Hall in Karnak.
The site was considered Egypt's entrance from the east, and the beacon of Egyptian armies marching to fight in Asia.
King Ahmos the fist cornered the Hyksos in Habwa (Tharo) in order to cut their resource supplies from their capital Afares in Sharkya.
Among the most Important discoveries are:
Habwa 1 mountain, Habwa 2 mountain and Habwa 3 mountain, in addition to the mountain tower, the white mountain and the Kedwa mountain. Plus El-Kedwa Mountain and El- Maskhoota Mountain, Abo Sefft Mountain, Defna Mountain and Heer Mountain, Farma City and El-Makhzan mountain.
These important discoveries reveal the greatness of Egyptian pharonic military history.
The discoveries were in the form of trenches and castles supported by towers, ports and military fortifications, some of which were revealed in central warehouses, industrial areas, army supply centers, silos, bakeries, houses, stores, private palaces, especially Tuthmosis the Third , Ramses II, Psametik I, temples and cities.
Among the monuments are alos fortifications, walls, residential areas, tombs and statues, in the form of "Abulhul" by King Ramses II, carved stone paintings, theaters, churches, shrines, water tanks, a race track and others.
The Egyptian Antiquities Authority (the Supreme Council of Antiquities) has recovered all the looted Egyptian artifacts from archaeological sites in the north and south of Sinai from Israel.