Apple will launch three new MacBooks powered by Apple-designed Arm chipsets in its event on Nov. 10, according to a Bloomberg report. According to Tech reportes, MacBook Pros with 13- and 16-inch displays, and one 13-inch MacBook Air are ready to debut. Moreover, Apple revealed in WWDC 2020 that it would slowly move from Intel processors to its ARM chipset in its line of personal computers and laptops.
Now, it seems that the company is planning to start this series by launching its ARM-powered Mac computers at its upcoming event. Earlier, Apple incurred losses in its market worth $ 150 billion, as the stock declined by 6%, which is the company’s worst month since 2012, according to CNBC report Issued on Saturday.
According to Reuters, the shares decline comes as the tech giant reported iPhone sales that missed analysts’ estimates and gave no forecast for the holiday quarter, compared with 4th-Q revenue from the iPhone was $26.4 billion, compared to expectations of $27.1 billion.
Noteworthy, the firm launched its event on Oct 13th, where revealed the next model of the iPhone 12. Later, the firm announced that is developing its own search engine technology, where the firm has begun to show its own search results and link directly to websites when users type queries from its home screen.
The web search capability marks an important advance in Apple’s in-house development and could form the foundation of a fuller attack on Google, according to the Tech News.
Moreover, a report by Coywolf states that with iOS 14 beta and iPadOS 14 beta, Apple’s Spotlight Search bypasses Google Search to show search results.