Apple announced on Friday that iPhone 12 mini and 12 Pro Max, are officially available in over 35 countries around the world. The buyers in Australia and New Zealand were first in line to receive their new iPhones due to time zone differences as well as the APAC region, Middle East, Europe, and North America.
On other hand, the buyers in Brazil, South Korea and 25 other countries will have to wait the pre-orders begin on November 20 with actual sales going live on November 27.
Moreover, iPhone 12 Mini will have all the same specs as the iPhone 12, but in a smaller size and Apple described it as the smallest, thinnest, and lightest 5G phone on the market.
According to Apple, iPhone 12 Pro models feature Smart Data mode, which extends battery life by intelligently assessing 5G needs and balancing data usage, speed, and power in real time.
Also, A14 Bionic is the first chip in the smartphone industry built on 5-nanometer process. It has the fastest CPU and GPU by up to 50 % compared to the fastest competing smartphone chips.
Noteworthy, Apple sold between 1.7 million and 2 million iPhone 12 units during the phone’s first day of preorders on October 16, according to Apple’s analyst ”Ming-Chi Kuo” . According to Kuo, China has the most demand for the new version since the country’s 5G networks are more widely available than they are in other countries.