Egypt’s Prime Minister Moustafa Madbouli received on Tuesday Executive Vice President (VP) of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Myron Brilliant, in the presence of Investment and International cooperation Minister Sahar Nasr and Trade Minister Amr Nassar.
At the outset of the meeting, Brilliant valued the economic progress achieved by Egypt over the last period. “Egypt has attracted the attention of the American companies which are seeking to invest in the Middle East region,” he said.
“Egypt economic reform program has created a suitable environment for business and investment,” the American official confirmed.
On his part, Madbouli praised the strategic relations between Cairo and Washington. Moreover, he stressed the government's keenness to support the efforts aim at enhancing the private sector's involvement in further economic and trade activities.
In addition, PM reviewed the major national projects carried out by the Egyptian government in infrastructure sector over the last five years.
“Brilliant’s visit came within the framework of the American Chamber of Commerce’s keenness to enhance the economic and trade relations with Egypt,” the cabinet official spokesman Nader Saad revealed.