Egyptian actor and musician Akram Hosny announced Monday on Instagram the release date for his new single "Elsahar W Elenbesat" featuring iconic singers Hamid El Shaeri and Hesham Abbas.
"Elsahar W Elenbesat" is by the lyrics of Hosny and composted by Mustafa Al Assaal.
The single is set to debut on Tuesday, December 27 on YouTube and digital music platforms at 5 PM Cairo time.
Hosny, born on September 10, 1974, graduated from the Police Academy and started his life as a police officer, but soon made a big career shift and headed to the field of broadcasting.
He started his career as a TV and radio host at Nogoum FM radio station and made his first television appearance in “The 25th Hour News” program where he presented the comic character of “Sayed Aby Hafiza.”
Hosny satirically criticized the social, political, and economic conditions in Egypt. The program was a big hit and audiences were strongly attached to it.