The Acting Professions Syndicate responded on Friday to the latest controversial statements between iconic Egyptian actor Mohamed Sobhi, and the Director of the General Entertainment Authority (GEA) Turki Al-Sheikh.
The syndicate urged all parties to preserve the current activity of creativity at the Arabic scene of arts and culture, in addition, to stopping all attempts to disturb this status.
Moreover, the statement asserted the value of Sobhi as a legendary Egyptian actor whose works form a significant unit of the history of Egyptian creativity.
Also, the syndicate praised the ongoing improvement in the scene of arts and culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its current role in supporting creativity in the Arab world.
It added that Sobhi is a valuable artist and his works are an integral part of Egyptian creativity, and his rank is unquestionable and should be respected.
The statement continued that every entertainment or cultural authority in any of the friendly countries has the absolute right to set its own rules, and regulations without any interferences, highlighting the appreciation that Egyptian artists receive in their second home, KSA, symbolizes the well-civilized and cultural manners of the Kingdom's people.