On Wednesday, the Egyptian Public Prosecution ordered releasing Seif Bedour, and Nazli Karim, actress Noha El Amroussi's daughter, after they were arrested due to their relationship with the famous "Fairmont Case."
She initiated that her daughter was a victim, and she was threatened to be silent by her ex-husband, Amr El Komi, who is among the accused of the rape incident at Fairmont Hotel.
The actress added that El Komi attempted to blackmail her daughter to not reveal her testimony and he could be the main motive for involving her daughter in the case as an accused after posting sexual videos of her.
Finally, El Amrroussi expressed that her daughter's husband punished her, hit her, tortured her sexually, physically, and mentally.
Last year, many social media accounts talked about a story of a rape incident at Fairmont Hotel.
Six men raped a young woman after putting a drug called GHB in her drink and captured a video of her rape and carved their names on her body.
Next, Egypt's Public Prosecution ordered to arrest of the accused six men, and issued requests to Interpol to arrest the 3 wanted men who escaped to Lebanon.