Actress Yasmin Abdelaziz posted on Friday her first picture after announcing recovery from health crisis due to surgical complications.
“Thanks Dr. Soravia, Dr. Samaras. Thank you God for healing us,” she captioned the photo on Instagram.
Abdelaziz returned to Egypt on Friday after a medical trip to Geneva, Switzerland to continue her medical treatment from surgical complications.
On July 17, her husband, actor Ahmed Elawady announced that she was undergoing surgery and asked fans to pray for her.
The actress’ family wished to remain silent on details about her health condition, but Elawady asked fans on social media to pray for her after he felt that her life was in danger following the surgery.
Abdelaziz underwent a cystectomy operation at one of the major hospitals, but a medical error occurred that led to her having a bowel perforation.
Later, the actress was discharged after her health stabilized and stayed in her home for four days only before traveling to Switzerland by a private hospital’s equipped ambulance with her friend. She reassured her fans two weeks after the trip that her health condition improved.