WhatsApp was down for most of the users around the world early Friday, as people were unable to send messages or chat, or do video calls, among others.
Taking to its official Twitter handle the messaging platform tweeted, "You may be experiencing some issues using WhatsApp at the moment. We’re aware and working to get things running smoothly again. We’ll keep you updated and in the meantime, thanks for your patience."
Users started observing the issues while using WhatsApp at around 9.30 pm, and many complained that their accounts were offline.
After almost an hour of acknowledging the outage, the app fixed the issue and tweeted: "And we're back. Happy chatting!".
Several users took to Twitter to report about the issue, while some even asked Tesla CEO Elon Musk to buy WhatsApp.
One user wrote: "Elon Musk arriving at WhatsApp HQ tomorrow to buy it." While one other said:"@elonmusk buy Whatsapp please." Some of the other comments read: "Poor service!! How are we getting compensated for the time wasted???"; "Why is WhatsApp always down."