WhatsApp introduced a new catalogs feature to Business app that will allow the businesses to showcase and share their products and services to potential customers. Once this messaging app creates a catalogue via the new feature then it can be shared as a part of business profile or in a chat while having conversation with a customer using the Business app.
The catalogs are particularly appealing to WhatsApp’s customer based in emerging markets, where much of users’ online activity is taking place inside apps instead of on the wider web, as new users come online in these regions, according to techcrunch.
Business app
On other hand, business API helps companies to engage customers from one-way notifications like appointment reminders, shipping alerts, payment notifications, verification codes, and boarding passes, to two-way customer support conversations and surveys.
Later, whatsapp giant of technology launched a new service of online payment in India. The new service would be used by about 400 million clients across the Indian states.
Also, the company owned by “Facebook”, platform of social media, had checked the envisioned service with one million Indian clients last year.
Noteworthy, India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Tens of millions of its populations use the Internet to complete the financial dealings. The payment service sponsored by Whatsapp will compete with other services such as Google Pay and Amazon Pay.
Meanwhile, WhatsApp revealed that status stories will start getting advertisement in 2020, at an annual Facebook Marketing Summit in Rotterdam, Netherlands, according to Tech news.
The advertisements will be shown between WhatsApp stories such as; Instagram stories. The stories would be displayed entirely on the screen and a link will redirect users to the website.