Super star Vin Diesel shared a photo on his official Instagram account with actress Michelle Rodriguez during the 7th day of filming the ninth film of the Fast & Furious.
The 51-old actor appeared again in an attractive a stunning form after he was spotted with a belly out on a hotel balcony in Miami.
‘Fast & Furious 9’ was supposed to be broadcast on April 2019, but it was delayed to May 22, 2020.
The full cast list has not been announced yet, Vin Diesel (Dom), Michelle Rodriguez (Letty) and Chris ‘Ludacris’ Bridges (Tej) will probably return , along with Tyrese Gibson (Roman), Luke Evans (Owen Shaw), Helen Mirren (Magdalene Shaw), Lucas Black (Sean), Kurt Russell (Mr Nobody), Nathalie Emmanuel (Ramsey), Scott Eastwood (Eric), and Charlize Theron (Cipher).
Jordana Brewster confirmed she will be back as Mia, Dom’s sister.
Michelle Rodriguez confirmed that she will be in the movie on May 16, after the franchise hired a female writer.
The trailer has not made public yet since the movie is currently in filming.
It is noteworthy that the eighth film of Fast & Furious series generated revenues of US $ 1.238 billion worldwide.
Contributed by Hassanain Tayea