The conjunction between Venus and the crescent moon will occur on Friday's dawn which will attract the sky lovers in the MENA region, including Egypt.
Both celestial bodies will appear before the sunrise, and they will be the brightest two objects in the sky.
The phenomenon can be observed by the naked eye, on the other hand, people who are going to observe the event through telescopes will recognize that the size of Venus changes due to its location towards its most distant points from the Earth.
Two weeks ago, a rare total lunar eclipse and blood moon phenomenon took place.
The lunar eclipse started at 3:32 am Cairo time as s Penumbral lunar eclipse which can’t be easily observed by the naked eye as it requires highly clean air.
At 5: 29 am Cairo time, the phenomenon turned to be a partial lunar eclipse before it reached its climax at 6:11 am when the Earth blocked 141,4% of the moon’s surface.
The lunar eclipse ended at 8:50 am in Cairo time, which means that Egypt won’t see the full stages of the total lunar eclipse as the moon will set at 5:01 am Cairo time.
On the other hand, residents of Africa, Europe, the Americas, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and Antarctica observed the phenomenon.
All stages of the lunar eclipse lasted for five hours, and 19 minutes.