UN induction and training workshop for media representatives concluded its work on Thursday, Oct. 14, with a session on "Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development" with high-level local and regional participation, after the workshop had issued its final statement and recommendations on advancing global efforts to achieve sustainable development.
UN information center in Cairo brought together communication specialists, journalists, and UN officials to exchange practices on impactful communication on the 17th sustainable goal of the global partnership.
Also in this regard, they bring together analysis from across the UN system and provide journalists with concrete ideas that address the consequences and even seize opportunities in the midst of the crisis.
Through the activities of the workshop, including presentations, discussions, and brainstorming, the ability of all participants to prompt sustainable development through new creative approaches was enhanced.
By reviewing Egypt’s specific cases, based on scenario analysis, the workshop offered hands-on sessions for participants to apply “proposals” and carry out designs on innovations and education opportunities.
Speaking during the workshop, Ahmed Kamal, a UNIDO communication specialist said that “We have provided quality training to long-term and otherwise disadvantaged unemployed women as well as good jobs for rural women, and ensured gender equality in the field of industry.”
"Through our sustainable programs, we have also helped many leading entrepreneurs and people in Sohag province and upper Egypt territory to have equal access to high-quality training," Kamal revealed.
The 17th workshop revolved around the UN vision for how the international community can deliver an effective, coordinated response to COVID-19, keeping the most vulnerable populations front and center.
It’s worth mentioning that the UN information center in Cairo has submitted specific and sufficient data on its sustainable goals and activities to media representatives.