Twitter announced that TweetDeck, social media dashboard application for management, will no longer be available as a standalone Mac app from July 1.
"We are saying goodbye to TweetDeck for the Mac app to focus on making TweetDeck even better and testing our new Preview," a tweet from the TweetDeck team reads."July 1 is the last day it will be available."
TweetDeck for Mac got an overhaul last year that brought it in line with the web version. Then, the company admitted the app had not been getting "a lot of love" and that it was an example of "a Twitter-owned and operated service that we will continue investing in," it added.
Last Feburay, Twitter announced that it is expanding the size of the beta for its Safety Mode feature, which aims to limit “unwelcome interactions” in your feed.
The feature imposes a seven-day block on accounts that use what Twitter calls potentially harmful language, including insults or repeated replies and mentions.
The beta’s expansion is intended to help “collect more insights on how Safety Mode is working and explore ways to incorporate additional improvements,” Twitter said.
The social media platform has been criticized for being a “toxic place,” especially for women.
In the same vein, the company also pointed out that it’s introducing a companion feature called ‘Proactive Safety Mode’ prompts that will help reduce the burden on users in identifying harmful interactions.
“Since the initial rollout of the Safety Mode beta in September, we’ve learned that some people want help identifying unwelcome interactions,” it said. “For this reason, our technology will now proactively identify potentially harmful or uninvited replies and prompt people in the beta to consider enabling Safety Mode.”