A spokesman for the White House said that US President Donald Trump wants the hearings on impeachment should continue in the Senate, the higher chamber of Congress.
He claimed that he may have a just treatment in the Senate where the Republicans are a majority.
Trump expected that Joe Biden, former vice-president with Barak Obama, will be among witnesses.
It is worth mentioning that the US Congress comprises two cameras.
The lower one is known as the House of Representative but the higher which has 100 members is named the Senate.
The White House’s spokesman added that Trump opines that the Senate is the only council where he could expect fairness and just treatment in light of the Constitution.
A number of witnesses such as Joe Biden and Adam Chef, head of the Intelligence Committee of the House, will give testimony again despite their previous witnesses at the House of Representatives weeks ago.
Chef leads the investigation into the impeachment of Trump.
On the other hand, Lindsay Graham, a Republican senator sent yesterday a message to Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, to ask documents about the relation of officials of former Democratic administration led by Barak Obama, with Ukraine.
Biden was one of those officials and he seeks to win the nomination of the Democratic Party to run for the presidential election next year.
Graham wants documents that shed light on ties of Hunter Biden, son of former vice-president with Ukraine’s government throughout the years when his father was in office.
Also, Graham asked for documents about an accord signed between the USA and Ukraine years ago.
Among those documents were transcriptions of telephone conversations conducted between Joe Biden in February and March 2016.
Biden, the son was among the Board of Directors of Busima, a Ukrainian energy company in the middle of the second decade of the 321st century.
The Democrats accuse Trump of pulverizing foreign policy of the USA and using it for personal interests.