Theatrical show crew "Trivuja" is preparing to represent Egypt and the Egyptian universities in the International Festival of University Theater in Tangier, Morocco on October 23.
The crew, affiliated the Youth and Sports ministry, recently got an award for best directing and best lighting and nomination for the best text and presentation at the National Festival of the Egyptian Theater for 2019.
[caption id="attachment_85310" align="alignright" width="348"] "Petrov" with his daughter[/caption]
Trivuja, with his crew from the special representation team of Ain Shams University, tells the story of "Petrov", a Russian military commander whose disobedience to military orders caused his country to avoid a disastrous nuclear war that was about to break out due to false information of early warning devices that US forces have dealt a blow to his country; it is a famous real incident that actually occurred in 1983.
When Soviet military officer Stanislav Petrov, received an order to launch nuclear bombs into the United States in retaliation for the arrival of five nuclear missiles to Moscow, Petrov rejected it solely on the basis that the information was false and the United States did not launch anything.
The hero who died in September 2017, remained became famous in his country for saving his people from entering a long bloody war and saving thousands of innocent lives in the two countries other than the emergence of the Soviet Union as the aggressor and criminal in that case.
However, the theater text changed that end; despite the heroic result of the Petrov’s decision, he was in tried military court and shot dead.
The text reviews Petrov story with different changes from reality that serve the dramatic situation, in the form of a humanistic psychological analysis of his idealistic character that drives him to introverts.
On his decision, it reviews his psychological struggle between duty and right and the principles conflict together until he finally decides to obey the right. It ends with a scene showing one of his friends witnessing his sincerity and his position in human and epic end scene.
The story is written by Mohamed Zaki and actress Mustafa Raafat, Ziad Hani, Maisara Nasser and directed by Adel Mabrouk.