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Tips for Staying Active and Fit During Summer Months

Sun 23 Jun 2024 | 11:22 PM
Pasant Elzaitony

Summer has arrived with its high temperatures and increased humidity, often causing dizziness and making many feel lazy. To help you stay energetic and achieve optimal fitness during these hot months, here are some essential tips:

1. Regulate Your Sleep Schedule:

Wake up early, ideally not sleeping past 9 AM, to enjoy the gentle morning sun, which is both calming and energizing.

2. Take an Afternoon Nap:

British sleep experts recommend a short afternoon nap. This can boost your energy levels, especially during the long summer days.

3. Delay Your Breakfast:

Try to delay breakfast as long as possible and switch up your usual meal with a vegetable or fruit smoothie. Options like watercress, parsley, or carrot juice with chia seeds, garden cress, and flaxseed are nutritious and filling.

4. Stay Hydrated:

Hydration is crucial for maintaining energy and detoxifying the body. Enhance your water intake by adding cucumber slices, lemon wedges, or fresh mint leaves. Increase your water consumption to aid in sweating, which helps keep you cool and energized.

5. Eat Seasonal Fruits:

Summer is rich in a variety of fruits. Make one of your meals, such as dinner, primarily fruit-based. Add yogurt or kefir to make it a complete, delicious, and refreshing meal.

6. Exercise Regularly:

Physical activity is essential for staying fit. Aim for at least 30 minutes of walking, preferably in the early morning or at sunset, to benefit from the sun's gentle rays.