The Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Diab Al-Louh, received a parliamentary delegation from representatives of the Egyptian Democratic and Social Party to declare solidarity and support with the Palestinian people in their steadfastness and resistance to the brutal aggression launched by the occupation forces and herds of settlers, and to express the solidarity of the popular Egyptian position. In addition to the official position towards the Palestinian issue, today, Monday, at the embassy headquarters in Cairo.
The delegation consisted of Mr. Farid Zahran, Chairman of the Egyptian Democratic and Social Party, a group of the party’s leaders, its deputies in the House of Representatives and the Shura Council, and its cadres.
Ambassador Diab Al-Louh welcomed the visit of the President and cadres of the Egyptian Democratic and Social Party
He appreciated their solidarity with the rights of the Palestinian people and their ongoing struggles, stressing the role of popular parties, federations and unions in exposing Israel’s policies and revealing the truth about its practices against our people in international forums.
Ambassador Diab Al-Louh briefed the delegation on the attacks of Israel, the occupying power, its brutal and bloody aggression against the Palestinian people, and the crimes committed by the Israeli war machine and the use of internationally prohibited weapons.
He stressed that Israel continues to violate international laws and issue its orders, oppression and threats to displace the Palestinian people in an attempt to empty the Gaza Strip of its population and destroy it. In addition to launching a campaign to cut off supplies of basic needs to defenseless civilian citizens in the most heinous forms of collective punishment, such as cutting off electricity, water, medicine, fuel, and the Internet, and the continuation of murders and attacks committed by the occupation forces and armed settler militias against citizens, their land, their homes, and their sanctities.
He called for the international community to join forces and intervene immediately to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and provide international protection for the Palestinians.
Ambassador Diab Al-Louh appreciated the official Egyptian, parliamentary, trade union and popular position, stressing that the Egyptian position proved, as usual, that Egypt is the first supporter and defender of the rights of the Palestinian people, and the centrality of the Egyptian role towards the Palestinian issue, which Egypt considers an extension of its national security and is always keen to alleviate the suffering of the Palestinian people.
Ambassador Diab Al-Louh praised the solid position of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his full support for the Palestinian people and the justice of their cause, pointing to his honorable positions in supporting the Palestinian right during all the contacts he made during the past days in order to immediately stop the bloody Israeli aggression, as well as through his directives to move relief and support convoys to the Palestinian people. In the Gaza Strip.
For his part, the head of the Egyptian Democratic and Social Party stressed the full Egyptian solidarity with the Palestinian people, and the continuation of contacts between the cadres and the party’s parliamentary body with political parties in the world to immediately stop the criminal aggression against the Gaza Strip, to do justice to the Palestinian right, and to issue positions supportive of the rights of the Palestinian people, which are guaranteed by international conventions guaranteeing the right to Peoples in self-determination until the Palestinian people obtain their freedom and independence and establish their independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.