God created us free with a psyche liable to persuasions, but we crave for a comfortable life while keeping an eye on the day of eternal judgment; then how can we solve the problem?
Since early times man realized that caprices and instincts should be regulated; so tribes had norms then societies and states had their laws. Humanity went on learning through trial and error, even more repeated errors, to know where would be the accurate balance between a regime in charge of imposing stability, security, regulating inter-inpidual relations and directing the society energies towards productive work and advancement, but the regime can be monstrous, mighty or coercive, hence can loose power and be changed one day by its peopleز
On the other hand an inpidual that needs his freedom to set free his creativity and energy, and his dignity and respect to enjoy his prestige and to belong, so he will be a productive sane inpidual spreading peace and prosperity all around.
But the mighty or greedy inpidual, the inflated ego and the arbitrary instincts can gradually destroy the society rules, justice and equality, hence the logic of violence and force prevails, values deteriorate and corruption spreads.
Societies and inpiduals resorted to religions and innovated political doctrines, but the dilemma remained in interpretations and practices; history shows that interpretations of every religion varied and led sometimes to renaissance or violence and backwardness, and that the same political theory had various practices and results from one state to another, and it looks as if the issue is partially related to the education, culture, and maturity of inpiduals personalities.
So if the rightness of a society is a resultant of the practices of its inpiduals, and if each and every one of us, now or in the future, is a leader in a family, work or group and institution, where would be the way?
Start by yourself. See if you control your instincts, emotions, ideas, conducts, and words. If you behave yourself while achieving inner peace, balance, and harmony, then you are able to manage others, attracting them to productive work peacefully and amicably.
Grant others their rights to freedom, dignity, and respect, so leadership wouldn’t be a conflict wasting energy, spreading hatred and injustice without providing safety and stability, and leading to alternating circles of oppression and looseness’. Instead search for a win-win equation, where rights are guaranteed, the inpidual enjoys his dignity and takes responsibility while energies compete in serving the inpidual and a group.
Be strict; as your responsibility is a time deposit and as exempting the culprit from punishment is a call to corruption, whose victims are all of us, and a weakening of system you should be the first to maintain, but practice strictness, realism, balance, and wisdom altogether.
Have insight and watch your contradictions while letting the good example impose itself. Put yourself in the shoes of others and try to understand the reason behind their behavior, and what will satisfy you if you were in their place. Feel responsibility towards them while accompanying them gently and respectfully to diagnose the problem and persistently follow the solution.
If you don’t abandon taking their responsibility, they may share you the collective responsibility, so there would be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Consider that a cruel word is an insult to an unalienable dignity, isolating the other, a proof of lack of understanding and of creativity, a nervous breakout or a call to set each of us a judge on others without justification or qualification.
Instead lead the hard road, deeply understanding, and think about if you can accept to be injured or insulted by someone else.
In short, feel responsibility towards others. Be a good example. And hold fast to hope and far sight.
For more articles by Dr. Hadi Eltonsi press HERE