This year, Thanksgiving celebrations in the US has caused a sense of controversy due to the dramatic case of the COVID-19 second wave in the US.
Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, asserted the importance of following the medical measures of protection in the case of paying some family visits. However, he is not against real family gatherings this year.
He added that this is absolutely a harsh situation as thanksgiving family celebrations is a strict American tradition.
In the same context, many doctors advised the Americans to have a 2 week-family quarantine before the main celebration to avoid spreading the infection and to discover early whether the person caught the virus or not.
Many doctors and chefs prefer the idea of having virtual celebrations through Zoom or Skype to add a warm family atmosphere between far-distant family members.
This solution is one of the easiest applicable solutions especially after the non-stoppable spread of the virus in the US and internationally.
Regarding the celebration parades that occur annually in New York City such as Macy's Thanksgiving's Day Parade, Macy's expressed that this year's celebrations will be streamed online and the celebration will have the same rituals and traditions as the previous editions.