The CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov announced, Tuesday, that the app will add the "stories" feature next month.
Durov said that this feature has been a request of the users for many years.
The latest decision is a change of heart by the company as the company was against adding such a feature.
They believed that stories “are already everywhere,” however, they decided to listen to their users.
Users can select who can see their stories whether for everyone, your contacts, a few selected contacts or a list of close friends.
The feature will be added in an expandable section at the top of your chat list.
Users also can move the contacts they don't want to see their stories to the “Hidden” list in their Contacts section instead of the main screen.
They can also add captions, links, and tag other users, in addition, they can decide the expiration time of their stories.
Durove said in the announcement: “The ability to save your stories to the profile page will make Telegram profiles more informative and colorful."
“You will not only be able to explore more content from your closest contacts, but finally discover more information about users you connect with in groups or channel comments. Speaking of channels, they will benefit from more exposure and subscribers: once we launch the ability to repost messages from channels to stories, going viral on Telegram will become a lot easier.”
Telegram CEO believes that the feature will “herald a new era on Telegram."