Users in different countries complained that Telegram is not working, as they cannot reach their accounts, DownDetector reported on Wednesday.
“User reports indicate Telegram is having problems since 7:57 PM EDT,” DownDetector said on Twitter. “RT if you're also having problems.”
Meantime, users are unable to connect to the platform's servers or send or receive messages, text messages or multimedia.
Data on DownDetector showed that thousands of users are facing outages in many countries over the world, noting that the app stuck on updating.
Last week, people faced issue while using the Telegram after many users joined the messaging platform following the global outage that hit social media giants Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
“There are *a lot* of users joining today from other platforms that are down. The wizards are working their strange server magicks to try and keep things up but it may be a bit slow. Sorry!,” the company replied on Twitter to one of the users.