Telegram shut down on Tuesday hundreds of public calls for violence that could've otherwise reached tens of thousands of users in the country, according to Business Insider report.
Meanwhile, Telegram founder Pavel Durov explained that the company welcomes peaceful debate and protest, but our Terms of Service explicitly prohibit distributing public calls to violence.
Durov noted in a statement, the civil movements all over the world rely on Telegram in order to stand up for human rights without resorting to inflicting harm.
On early January, the app moderation team started to receive an increased number of reports about US-related public activity on our platform. The team acted decisively by clamping down on US channels that advocated violence. Where the US represents less than 2% of Telegram's user base.
On other hand, In the first week of January, the application surpassed 500 million monthly active users. After that it kept growing: 25 million new users joined the application in the last 72 hours alone. These new users came from across the globe 38% from Asia, 27% from Europe, 21% from Latin America, and 8% from MENA.
This is a significant increase compared to last year when 1.5M new users signed up every day. We’ve had surges of downloads befthroughout our 7-year history of protecting user privacy. But this time is different,” Durov shared on his Telegram channel.