Telegram, officially, launched its new "Stories features, which was a highly anticipated app feature by the users. However, the service was launched for the Premium subscribers.
Users can share photos and videos that disappear after a certain time period, like on other social media apps like Instagram and Snapchat.
However, Telegram developed the concept and the option of "Stories" as the application will allow the users to choose when their Story will expire, with options ranging from 6 to 48 hours.Furthermore, Telegram users can create lists of contacts for different stories whether it is a group, friends, or others.
Earlier, the CEO of Telegram Pavel Durov announced that the app will add the "stories" feature.
Durov said that this feature has been a request of the users for many years.
The latest decision is a change of heart by the company as the company was against adding such a feature.
They believed that stories “are already everywhere,” however, they decided to listen to their users.