Table linens are an important part of the elegance of any home, and any bride is very interested in the table cloth.
Furthermore, most of us are looking for joy and what is new for our table, especially in Ramadan or holidays.
Lifestyle Blogger Dr. Fatma El Shami shared tips and all that is new for the table linens for the brides-to-be.
[caption id="attachment_231494" align="aligncenter" width="973"] Dr. Fatma El Shami[/caption]
* Trend 2021
Mix and match patterns are trendy, even in fashion.
“We try not to be limited in our creativity, and through our presence in the home furnishings market, I realized that whenever we are creative without restrictions, the difference in our products is clear and we are distinguished,” the designer stated.
She added: “The competition has become fierce in the open market. Therefore, you can find table linen with more than one material mixed presented in a special taste, attractiveness, and modern elegance,”.
[caption id="attachment_234661" align="aligncenter" width="630"] Mix and match patterns[/caption]
* Quality Control
El Shami noted that all the table linen displayed in the showroom is 100% Egyptian product, adding: “We can reach a quietly that can compete against the imported. The most important thing is quality control,”.
The designer added that she used high-quality and world-famous materials for the table linen such as Spanish silk and Chanelia as well as Turkish velvet, and velvet kinar from Lycée.
* Runner and it's secret of existence
The table linen had to be for the bride or in the families' homes many years ago, which covered all the corners of the dining table and dropping slightly, but the runner appeared several years ago, which is small table linen in the middle of the table that does not cover the edges.
Talking about the origin of the runner, the designer stated that it was originally made for modern furniture, and then was used afterward to change the material of the fabric and became a trend for classic furniture as well.
With elegant furniture and wonderful wood, it is unright to hide the runner behind large table linen with how outstanding it looks.
The runner provides the opportunity to show the stupendous of the furniture as well as can add to the decor and its elegance.
In the end, it is advisable to pay attention to the table linens, because the elegance of the table and its cloth as well as add elegance to every home and demonstrate its style.
Contributed by Yara Sameh