Video footage circulated on Thursday of Spanish police attacking minor Moroccan immigrants at a mosque.
The videos caused a wide sense of anger and frustration among the Arab and migrants.
In the same context, Moroccan media agencies mentioned that a number of Moroccan migrants were cruelly attacked by the Spanish police, adding, the motives behind the attack are unclear.
On the other hand, Al Wali Charafi, the director of the Afaq Association of Moroccan Migrants in the Canary Islands, expressed that this video was captured on Saturday at a camp called Tindaya, Las Palmas.
After accusing them of violating the laws of the camp, the Spanish guards attacked the Moroccans.
Moreover, Moroccans urged the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to respond to the incident.
However, many reports indicated that Morocco has summoned the Spanish Ambassador to Morocco to express the state's rejection towards abusing the Moroccan migrants by the Spanish authorities.