On Wednesday, Monte Carlo Doualiya (RMC Moyen-Orient) reported that scientists discovered a new Six planet-system 200 light-years away from Earth.
The sizes of the six planets can be described as a "super-Earth" and Five "mini Neptunes" according to the India TV News.
In the same context, Daily Express highlighted, "The six planets have sizes ranging from about one to about three times the size of our blue planet, while their masses range up to 30 times Earth’s mass."
Previously, the scientists thought of this mini galaxy was a star with only a pair of planets revolving in the same orbit, however, further studies reflected that there are six planets revolving harmoniously.
Université de Geneve and the University of Bern's Dr. Adrien Leleu expressed, "Through further observations, we realized that there were not two planets orbiting the star at roughly the same distance from it, but rather multiple planets in a very special configuration."
It is expected that this discovery could be a clue for solving a lot of mysteries about the planetary systems.