The Spokesman of Abdel Fattah El Sisi stated that the meeting tackled the presidential initiatives regarding job opportunities, especially "industrial communities, at the level of the governorates of the republic."
Bassam Rady said that President met today with Dr. Mustafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, Nevin Gamea, Minister of Trade and Industry, and Major General Staff Ihab El-Far, Chairman of the Engineering Authority for the Armed Forces to discuss this matter.
Sisi directed that all possible facilities be provided for contracting procedures to obtain “industrial complexes, urging the Ministry of Trade and Industry to end all licenses and administrative procedures.
The president also asked to provide facilities for financing and purchasing machinery and equipment, to support young investors in the field of medium and small industries.
Sisi aims to strengthen the process of industrial development in Egypt by deepening local production in various governorates within the framework of those new industrial complexes that provide all the necessary basic services.
On her part, Mrs Gamea presented the current executive position for the establishment of industrial complexes spread across the country, and the basic criteria in selecting the persified industrial activities, which are mainly based on providing direct and indirect employment opportunities.
Gamea also presented the results of the annual exhibition "Our Heritage" which made the president directed to study the repetition of organizing the exhibition several times throughout the year in other governorates beside Cairo, as part of an integrated vision to encourage the initiatives of the heritage industries sector and revive it.
She also reviewed a set of various programs to support medium, small and micro enterprises, which are carried out in partnership with the "Long Live Egypt" Fund, and include several financing programs targeting a variety of projects covering all groups and in all governorates.