A gunman opened fire Monday In front of a private hospital in Paris, killing one person and injuring another, according to police.
Paris police are hunting for the gunman who opened fire in the wealthy 16th district of the French capital. Witnesses at the scene claim that it could be a case of tragic score-settling, while authorities have not made any links with terrorism.
Notably, the geriatric hospital is run by the French Red Cross and it currently serves as a Covid-19 vaccination center.
The police said the shooter fired several shots before fleeing on a two-wheeled vehicle, not providing any further details. The gunman's motive is not yet known.
The injured person was taken into care at the hospital.
Noura Berrahmouni, DSPAP Alliance, stated that the injured person, a woman, was a security agent for the hospital.
“It was so fast we suppose it was a score settling … If not, we think there would be more victims,” she said.
Witnesses on BFM-TV mentioned that the shooter was wearing a hood, adding that he fired several times.