“In Wonder,” a new documentary about Canadian singer-songwriter Shawn Mendes, is coming to Netflix on November 23, days ahead of his fourth upcoming studio album, “Wonder,” which is scheduled to on December 4.
Mendes released the album’s title track as a single on October 2.
The documentary, directed by veteran music video director Grant Singer, shares an intimate look at Mendes’ life and journey, which was filmed over the last few years.
“In Wonder” was a special event selection at the Toronto Film Festival.
The film joins Netflix’s growing slate of music-centered documentaries including Taylor Swift’s “Miss Americana,” “Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé,”, “The Black Godfather,” “Gaga: Five Foot Two,”, “Quincy”, and most recently, “Blackpink: Light Up the Sky.”
It is worth mentioning that, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, known as Shawn Mendes, began in 2013 posting song covers on the video-sharing application, Vine.
He caught the attention of artist manager Andrew Gertler and Island Records A&R Ziggy Chareton, in the following year, which led to the signing of a deal with the record label.
Since then, Mendes has released three studio albums, headlined three world tours, and received several awards.