As the Russian invaded Ukraine, we were moved to a new era. In addition, in case Russia manages to crash Ukraine, several wide geopolitical changes could take place in Europe, affecting NATO’s agenda, and the whole world order.
Moreover, this era could see China’s control of Taiwan and the southeast of Asia. Thus, this will creat three major world powers (US, Russia, and China).
This would also create a sense of chaos and conflict globally as every part around the globe would resist adapting to the new world order.
Furthermore, the Russian invasion in Ukraine, the world discovered the real value of principles such as security and peace. It discovered the importance of the countries, exporting wheat, natural gas, and oil.
Moreover, the geographical importance of some regions such as the Black Sea, a major artery for the movement of goods at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.
Six countries border the Black Sea, but it is very important to many other countries beyond its borders, because of the trade in energy, steel and agricultural products.
Crude and refined oil products from Russia, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan also pass through ports on the eastern edge of the Black Sea.
In addition, products including petroleum, and refined oil are being transported from Russia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan through the east side of the Black sea.
In the same context, Russian threats gave Europe the chance to re-approach its interior military policies and its means of investment.
The ongoing European interior military policies were criticized a lot by the former US President Donald Trump.
So, Germany decided to review its defense policies and its history, alongside funding the defense sector with $ 100 billion. In addition, Berlin is going to direct 2% of its gross domestic product to the army.
Moreover, NATO, which Macron considered it in “a brain death phase,” becomes real European challenge. Finland, and Sweden surrendered their rejection for joining the alliance for the first time in history which proved the central role of the NATO in the Ukrainian crisis.
In addition, NATO’s General-Secretary Jens Stoltenberg decided to deploy NATO Response Force (NRF) on the Eastern boarders of the alliance. This unit was founded in 2004, and includes 40,000 soldier; however, they have never been in action regardless of natural disasters occasions, and the international forces withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
In the same context, it is expected that 500 French soldiers will be deployed in Romania, NATO's central base, alongside 1000-soldier brigades from different countries to support the deterrence acts in Bologna, and Baltic countries.
However, Europe, that was always concerned about US abandoning them inside the NATO, currently needs the US. Europe won’t trust the US until it approves intention of defending Europe in case of military conflict.