A Russian research center managed to obtain the first image in the world of the British strain of the emerging COVID-19, according to the "Russia Today" news network.
According to a statement from the Media Center of the Federal Agency for Consumer Rights Protection "Ross Trip Nadzor", this is the first time in the world that the British strain of the emerging coronavirus was photographed from a patient in December 2020, after obtaining the image of the virus under a microscope as part of a study of its characteristics.
This picture comes after Britain had previously announced, on December 4, the discovery of a new strain of the coronavirus, and the system of polymerase chain reaction tests developed by the "Vector" Center of "Ross Trip Nadzor" was able to discover infection with the "British" strain, as The system can distinguish the difference between the variable virus and the non-mutated forms.
The Russian electron microscope, which reached 100,000 times its magnification, was able to photograph the "British" mutation of the virus.
For his part, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, confirmed that data coming from Britain about the new strain indicates that it is the most deadly.