Dr. Mikhail Vaworov, Scientific- Director of the office of President of the International Institute of Epidemiology at the United Nations, revealed pessimistic possibilities about the COVID-19, in an interview he gave this morning to the Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" radio.
He expected that the world will get rid of the deadly virus by 2022.
The expert added that the second wave of the "COVID-19" pandemic hit Russia hard as well as the whole world.
"The first wave of the Spanish flu that struck Europe in 1918 was milder than the second wave in 1919, which killed 20 million Europeans," he noted.
He pointed out that the history of previous pandemics indicated that the current one will not end until 2022.
He stressed that the danger of the "COVID-2019" disease depends greatly on whether or not to wear masks, despite they do not of course, completely protect against the disease, but it prevents the human body from being exposed to large quantities of viruses that determine the severity of the disease.
The Russian expert went on to say humans will have to wear medical masks throughout 2021 and perhaps 2022 as well."
On the other hand, Kristalina Georgieva, Executive Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), warned that the international community needs to take more coordinated measures to overcome the economic repercussions of the COVID-19 crisis.
"We will continue to urge all countries in the world to do more efforts to come over the negative fallouts spring from the COVID-19", she said.
She also suggests that developed nations should offer more grants to African countries.
As the World Bank has the authority to award grants.