The renowned actor Ahmed Bedair is celebrating his birthday on Sunday and wishes are pouring on him from all around.
From the actor’s daughter Sara Ahmed Bedair to his ardent fans, the actor is receiving major birthday love on social media platforms.
Bedair was born in 1947 in Qena, the most ancient Upper Egypt provenance.
Bedair is known for appearing in over 200 films and acting in over 50 series. The actor was also awarded the Ismailia Film Festival, Cairo Arab Media Festival, Cairo International Film Festival, and Dubai International Film Festival Award during his career, which spanned over four decades.
After studying Arts, the young ambitious man turned to act in the mid-1970s with small roles in productions such as ‘Taaer Al-Leil Al-Hazeen' (The sad night bird) and 'Nahr Al-Malh' (Salt River)
Bedair is a talented actor who has appeared in films, television series, and plays. He is well known for some of his seminal work, such (A Paper Hero), 'Sokoot Hansawar' (Silence…We’re Rolling), 'Hob Fawq El-Sahab' (Love on the Clouds), and the play (Raya and Sakina).