Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Ukrainian president Vladimir Zelensky has zero chances to be reelected should presidential election in Ukraine is ultimately held, according to TASS.
According to the Russian leader, former Ukraine’s commander-in-chief Valery Zaluzhny has much more chances that Zelensky.
"And given this potential candidate (Zaluzhny - TASS) is potentially supported by other politicians, including former prime ministers, the current head of the regime has absolutely no chances to win the election. Zero chances," Putin said in an interview with VGTRK journalist Pavel Zarubin. "Naturally, if the election is not flagrantly rigged. But this will be bad for him as well."
He recalled that elections in Ukraine were cancelled "under the pretext of martial law." "And in case of talks, martial law may need to be lifted soon and then immediate election. And this is where the current [Kiev] regime chief has problems," he added