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Supervisor Elham AbolFateh
Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

President Abdelfattah El Sisi meets with the national team before their trip to Russia

Sat 09 Jun 2018 | 03:25 PM
shawar ibrahim


Today, President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi hosted the players of the Egyptian football national football team participating in the upcoming World Cup taking place in Russia in the presence of the Minister of Youth and Sports Engineer Khalid Abdul Aziz.

Presidential spokesman ambassador Bassam Radi stated that the President expressed his sincere wishes for the national football team in their upcoming World Cup campaign, stressing his full confidence in the national team's awareness of their responsibility and calling on all members of the team to exert utmost efforts in order to spread joy to the Egyptian people, The President also stressed the importance of team members to be disciplined, stressing on the fact that they are representing the entire Egyptian nation, it's people, culture and heritage.


The Spokesman added that the Minister of Youth and Sports thanked the President during the meeting for his willingness to host the team before heading out to Russia to participate in the World Cup, stressing that the sons of the nile will be at the level of responsibility and will exert their upmost efforts to make millions of Egyptians happy. Minister Khaled Abdel Aziz also shed light on the ongoing efforts to provide large screens in various clubs and youth centers in order to broadcast Egyptian national team's campaign. He pointed out that the Ministry of Youth and Sports is about to complete the provision of 1,000 screens throughout the state.

Rady also said that a number of players spoke during the meeting, pledging to give their best, and coach Hector Cooper said that the team is prepared and driven with a strong desire to raise their naton's head high.



The President also stressed during the meeting the importance of supporting sports in the state, declaring that participating in sports will help drive their energy into something beneficial for the state. He pointed out that the State is seeking in the coming four years to achieve a qualitative leap in the facilities and infrastructure of All sports in the state and not just football, in order to make Egypt.

The spokesman added that the president also inquired about the health of the team's starplayer, "Mohammed Salah," who confirmed that his condition is improving significantly and on the way to full recovery, God willing.