Embassy of Pakistan, Cairo organized a seminar titled "A Tribute to Kashmiris' Just Struggle for Self-Determination" on Kashmir Solidarity Day today. During the Seminar, messages of solidarity by the President, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister of Pakistan were read out.
A documentary highlighting the plight of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K), Indian security forces brutalities and pledges of international community towards realization of Kashmiris' inalienable right to self-determination was played. A minute of silence was observed for the martyrs of IIOJ&K and Gaza as well.
The panellists in their separate, but equally impactful presentations expressed solidarity with the innocent people of IIOJ&K who have been subjected to Indian state oppression for decades. They stated that Jammu & Kashmir is a disputed territory and the fate of Kashmiris must be determined through the implementation of the relevant UNSC Resolutions in accordance with the wishes and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
The guest speakers noted with grave concern India’s unilateral and illegal actions of 5 August 2019, which revoked the special status of the occupied territory. They criticized India’s action to change the demography of IIOJ&K and attempts to turn Kashmiris into minority in their own land.
The panelists urged the international community to intervene immediately and ask India for ending human rights abuses, implement the relevant UNSC Resolutions and hold an impartial plebiscite under UN auspices enabling the Kashmiris to decide their destiny.
Charge d' Affaires Dr. Raza Shahid in his remarks said that durable peace in South Asia cannot be achieved without the peaceful resolution of Jammu & Kashmir dispute. He reiterated Pakistan’s unflinching moral, diplomatic and political support to the people of IIOJ&K for their rightful cause of self determination.
A large number of Egyptian academia, intellectuals, journalists, civil society activists, students and members of Pakistan community in Egypt attended the event.