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Editor in Chief Mohamed Wadie

Over 600,000 Children in Gaza Denied Education Amid War, Says UNRWA

Mon 17 Jun 2024 | 10:24 AM
UNRWA student in the West Bank fills supplementary papers that she receives from teachers in remote and hard to reach areas so that she can continue studying. © 2020 UNRWA Photo
UNRWA student in the West Bank fills supplementary papers that she receives from teachers in remote and hard to reach areas so that she can continue studying. © 2020 UNRWA Photo
Ahmed Emam Badawy

The UN agency reported that approximately 625,000 children in the Gaza Strip have been unable to attend school due to the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict. 

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) emphasized the urgent need for a ceasefire, stating that while they are providing support to Palestinian children to help them resume their education, it is not sufficient. 

It noted that the devastating impact of the conflict has resulted in the destruction of schools, leaving children without access to education and play, causing deep trauma for the survivors.

"Children are the first to suffer the most in conflicts and wars, pointing out that a very large number of them have been killed and others injured, and many of them will have scars for life," UNRWA said.