Sky event lovers will have the chance to see a partial Lunar Eclipse on September 18.
The event can be observed in the majority of USA, Canada, and Mexico cities, in addition to Central America, Latin America, the Atlantic Ocean, Europe and Africa.
Fortunately, Egypt's residents will have the chance to witness such a phenomenon.
Last March, The first lunar eclipse in 2024 took place, and it was a Penumbral one.
The phenomena started when part of the Moon passed into the Earth's penumbra, covering almost 95.6% of the moon.
Unfortunately, Egypt's residents didn't have the chance to witness such a phenomenon.
However, the majority of Europe, Australia, the East of Asia, and Africa, in addition to the Americas, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, and both poles witnessed the phenomenon.
It wasn't witnessed by the naked eye, so, sky lovers had to use telescopes to observe it.
The phenomenon lasted for 4 hours and 39 minutes.