Assistant New York District Attorney Matthew Colangelo began the state's opening statement in the People's case against Donald Trump, telling jurors Monday that former President Donald Trump paid porn actress Stormy Daniels to conceal an alleged affair she had with the former president, as part of a scheme with his former lawyer Michael Cohen to obscure his case. About voters before the 2016 elections
Prosecutor Matthew Colangelo said: “This case is about a criminal conspiracy and its cover-up, and the defendant, Donald Trump, orchestrated a criminal scheme to corrupt the 2016 presidential election. He then covered up that criminal conspiracy and repeatedly lied in his New York business records.”
He continued, amid a shrug from former President Donald Trump as the latter looked in front of him: They concealed the purpose of these payments.. The defendant said in his business records that he was paying Cohen for legal services under a retainer agreement, but those were lies. The defendant was paying him an illegal amount. "To Stormy Daniels on Election Eve."
Colangelo said that Cohen's mission - Trump's former lawyer - was actually to take care of the defendant's problems. Assistant Attorney General Matthew Colangelo said that Michael Cohen paid the hush money at the direction of the defendant and he did so to influence the 2016 presidential election.
The Attorney General added in his opening statement that after the election, Donald Trump made the Cohen payment, and they concealed the purpose of the payment.
The first arguments have begun in Trump's trial, in which former US President Donald Trump faces charges of forging commercial documents to pay money to a pornographic actress in exchange for her remaining silent about their relationship, in what is known as the hush money case.
CBS News said that the prosecution will begin presenting its case to the jury, alleging that Trump falsified business records to cover up the payment of money during his 2016 presidential campaign, at a time when defense lawyers are expected to argue that Trump was accused based on flimsy evidence from... Untrustworthy key witnesses.
The facts of the case go back 8 years ago, when Trump's former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid 130,000 dollars to porn actress Stormy Daniels to buy his silence about a relationship between her and Trump.