On Thursday, the name of Lebanese singer Nawal El Zoghbi trended on different social media platforms due to her last tweet. El Zoghbi tweet carried one sentence which was part of the Lebanese Health Minister Hamad Hassan's statements regarding the tragic case of COVID-19 in the country.
El Zoghbi's tweet came after the Health Minister contracted the virus so many fans explained her tweet as a sense of gloating.
However, the singer's brother Marcel El Zoghbi refuted all this criticism asserting that El Zoghby's comment couldn't carry gloating.
He added that they all wish a speedy recovery to the minister and his family.
In the same context, El Zoghbi criticized the method that the minister applied for facing the tragic spread of the virus in Lebanon touching upon the contradiction of the minister's behaviors.
He urged the Lebanese to stop gathering, on the other hand, he attended various gatherings.
However, the singer's fans promoted a new trend against all the opposing calls against her and it trended on Twitter in Lebanon alongside a number of Arabic countries.