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NATO Not to Send Troops to Ukraine

Sat 25 May 2024 | 11:53 PM
Israa Farhan

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has confirmed that while the alliance is increasing its support for Ukraine, it will not send its own forces to the country to avoid becoming a direct party to the conflict.

In an interview with the German newspaper "Welt am Sonntag," Stoltenberg explained that despite ramping up support to help Ukraine defend itself, NATO has no plans to send troops to Ukraine or extend its air defense umbrella to cover the country.

The goal is to prevent NATO from becoming a part of the conflict.

Stoltenberg pointed out that theoretically, it is possible to intercept Russian missiles from the territories of Poland or Romania using Patriot missile batteries.

However, he emphasized that NATO's involvement will not extend to such measures.

NATO foreign ministers are set to meet in Prague to prepare for the upcoming summit in Washington, scheduled for mid-July.

Stoltenberg noted that discussions will focus on "enhancing support for Ukraine," with NATO preparing to take on a more significant role in coordinating security assistance and training for Ukraine.

Stoltenberg highlighted that this approach would require "long-term financial commitment" to establish this support on a "stronger and more predictable foundation."

Russia has repeatedly warned that supplying Ukraine with weapons contradicts peace efforts and implicates NATO members directly in the conflict, accusing them of "playing with fire."

Moscow has stated that sending arms to Ukraine prolongs the conflict and leads to further destruction within the country.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov reiterated that any weapons provided by the West to Kyiv would not alter the course of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine and that Moscow will achieve all its objectives.