One of the most popular messaging apps in the world, WhatsApp has over a billion users worldwide. This year, the Facebook-owned app has come with a slew of updates to improve its efficiency.
*Limiting frequent forwards
Forwarded messages, which often containing unverified information, plagues a lot of users on WhatsApp, fake news is one of the biggest issues faced by WhatsApp users in India.
* Touch ID and Face ID
This security feature will prevent any third-party from reading your messages. It can be enabled in your privacy settings to use Touch ID or Face ID to unlock the app.
* Dark Mode
The dark mode is a battery saving feature. It has been under development for a few months now, and users have been waiting for WhatsApp to introduce it.
* Share WhatsApp status
Now you can share your WhatsApp status on Facebook, Instagram, Gmail, and Google Photos, without linking the accounts.
* Privacy Settings for Groups
This new privacy setting and invite system will help users have more control. Users will be invited to the groups and they can choose to approve or decline within three days.