Mohamed Ramadan, a super cinema and TV star, won the award of the best actor at BIAF art festival in Lebanon, for his role in 'Zelzal'- (earth quake), TV series and a video clip called” Mafia”.
Ramadan got the festival electric when he climber the podium to receive the award.
Ramadan presented the award to Omar Sherif, the Egyptian well-known supper cinematic star on the anniversary of his death on July 10.
He praised Sherif for his encouragement to Ramadan when he began acing years ago.
It worth to mention that “BIAF” art festival is held annually in Beirut, the capital city of Lebanon.
A number of stars of the Arab world were honored during this year’s version.
A constellation of stars along with Mohamed Ramadan, participated at 'Zelzal' series.
Among those stars are: Hala Sheeha, Hanady Mehanny, Mgid Al Masry, Ahmed Siam and Mahmud Hejazy.
Contributed by:Ahmed Moamar