Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi invited the attention of the leaders to global challenges like geo-political tensions, food security, climate change and the economic impact of the COVID pandemic.
In his opening remarks at the Inaugural Leaders’ Session, India's PM voiced that the Global South, which represents 75% of the world's population, is the biggest stakeholder in the future and should have a significant voice in reformed global governance mechanisms.
He also stressed that though the countries of the Global South do not cause most of the global problems, they have continued to suffer disproportionately.
Modi highlighted that India has picked the theme of – "One Earth, One Family, One Future” for its G20 Presidency which will allow it to amplify the Voice of the Global South.
He called upon the leaders of Global South to redesign global political and financial governance through mutual cooperation and common efforts to ensure that fruits of development no longer elude the populations in the developing countries. Prime Minister Modi called for a global agenda of ‘Respond, Recognize, Respect and Reform’ which means:
● Respond to the priorities of the Global South by framing an inclusive and balanced international agenda.
● Recognize that the principle of ‘Common but Differentiated Responsibilities’ applies to all global challenges.
● Respect sovereignty of all nations, rule of law and peaceful resolution of differences and disputes; and
● Reform international institutions, including the United Nations, to make them more relevant.
Citing the example of mutual support among developing countries in 20th century against colonial rules, Prime Minister Modi called for similar cooperation in the 21st century to create a new World Order which would ensure the welfare of citizens of developing countries too.
Modi reiterated India’s commitment to sharing its developmental experience with developing countries with the objective of a common future. He assured of India’s support to the cause of Global South by saying, “Your Voice is India’s Voice. Your Priorities are India’s Priorities.”
India hosted a special virtual Summit, the "Voice of Global South Summit” under the theme "Unity of Voice, Unity of Purpose” to bring together countries of the Global South to share their perspectives and priorities on a common platform, on 12-13 January 2023.
More than 120 countries participated in this Summit. The initiative was inspired by Prime Minister Modi’s vision of taking everyone along in the journey of development.
Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry also attended the Foreign Ministers’ Session on "G-20: Suggestions for India’s Presidency”.