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Malaysian PM Affirms His Country Readness to Strengthen Relations with Singapore

Sat 11 May 2024 | 07:48 PM
Malaysian Prime Minister
Malaysian Prime Minister
Nada Mustafa

Malaysian Prime Minister (PM) Anwar Ibrahim has affirmed his country's readiness to further strengthen relations with Singapore under the leadership of new Prime Minister (PM) Lawrence Wong.

In a statement released today, Anwar expressed his positive sentiments in response to the aspirations conveyed by current Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who hopes to see the continuation of the flourishing close relationship between the two neighboring countries under Wong's leadership.

Anwar's remarks came during a phone call he received from his Singaporean counterpart following the launch of the 2024 Malaysia Artificial Intelligence (AI) Association.

"Prime Minister (Lee) formally informed me that he will be handing over the reins to (Lawrence Wong) next week and expressed his desire to see the continued flourishing of the close relationship between Malaysia and Singapore under the new leadership," Anwar said.

"I welcome Prime Minister (Lee)'s aspiration, and I am ready to continue strengthening Malaysian-Singaporean relations under (Lawrence)'s leadership," he added.

It is worth mentioning that Wong, who currently serves as Singapore's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, is set to assume the role of Prime Minister, succeeding Lee, on May 15th.